SunShell by Chromanik HPLC Column (Coreshell Particle)
Your North American Source for Sunshell HPLC Columns.
Features of Sunshell HPLC Include:
- 1.6 um od core and 0.5 um of superficially porous silica
- Core Shell particle bonded with polyfunctional C18 (SunShell C18)
- Showed two times higher retention factor than other main coreshell competitors.
- SunShell C18 had 7 to 100 times higher loading capacity of amitriplytine than the other core shell C 18's.
- SunShell C18 is stable under acidic and basic conditions compared with other core shell C18's
- Showed less bleeding under a typical LC/MS conditions.
- High stability – pH range for SunShell® C18 is 1.5 to 10.
- More SunShell columns will be introduced within the next couple of months, such as SunShell® Hilic Amide,
- SunShell RP Guard Filter is recommended as a guard column for any reversed phase.